narrow margin

美 [ˈnæroʊ ˈmɑːrdʒɪn]英 [ˈnærəʊ ˈmɑːdʒɪn]
  • 微弱差距;狭窄的页边空白
narrow marginnarrow margin


a small margin
the president was not humbled by his narrow margin of victory
the landslide he had in the electoral college obscured the narrowness of a victory based on just 43% of the popular vote
Synonym: narrowness slimness


  1. She won the championship by a narrow margin .


  2. The game was decided by a very narrow margin .


  3. Both sides expect a close campaign and a narrow margin of victory .


  4. He backed the car into the space with a narrow margin to spare .


  5. He lost by a narrow margin to John F. Kennedy .


  6. He lost by a narrow margin .


  7. Defeat by a narrow margin . beat thoroughly in a competition or fight .


  8. The narrow margin affects the economic gains of petroleum companies , with resulting problems for some county level companies .


  9. He won by a narrow margin .


  10. He was elected by a narrow margin .


  11. He won the presidency by a narrow margin and became the first Roman Catholic President .


  12. He was saved from those savage beasts by a narrow margin .


  13. But once he was married , what would become of this narrow margin of life in which his real experiences were lived ?


  14. State-owned petroleum companies are facing difficulties brought on by a bearish market and the narrow margin between producer and market prices .


  15. Dead-man abort switch He backed the car into the space with a narrow margin to spare .


  16. Kibaki back in power by a narrow margin over his rival , Raila Odinga .


  17. However , as the votes were tallied here , Clinton won the primary by a narrow margin , marking a remarkable comeback .


  18. After the Mexican War Pierce ran for the 1852 Presidential nomination . He won with a narrow margin of the popular vote .


  19. During that time , the taxi industry of China has experienced the exorbitant profits stage in the early period , the richness stage , and the narrow margin of profits stage currently .


  20. In recent years , the profit of auto makers or dealers which suffered fierce competitions was declined to a narrow margin of 5 % as average level in global auto market .


  21. Sweden 's Parliament by a narrow margin on Wednesday approved a controversial law that allows authorities to eavesdrop on all email and telephone traffic that enters the country .


  22. This narrow margin gave it victory over Michael Caine 's line , ' You 're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off " from 1969 " s The Italian Job .


  23. The fact that China 's food price increased by a narrow margin recently is only a manifestation of the periodicity of the market economic law , and should not be regarded as a severe threat to China 's food security .


  24. The authors suggest that cognitive sport psychology should be developed beyond the narrow margin of information processing theory and , from the viewpoint that man is an active thinking organism and the cognitive regulator of behavior , study and help solve the problems facing the players .


  25. Based on data MasterCard collected from governments , central banks , related public agencies and airlines so far this year , the projection for the entire year says Bangkok is surpassing London , the previous holder of the top place , by a very narrow margin .


  26. Anterior portion of anal fin with narrow black margin .


  27. The safety for grouting curtain in Xiaowan has a narrow safety margin under normal operation .


  28. It 's a narrow victory margin .


  29. It is a dynamic math-model of the combination of reciprocating and rotating engines with rather narrow performance margin .


  30. But for all the great advances in technology , the fact remains that attribution is not a science . It is , rather , the product of educated guessing , though experts work hard to narrow their margin for error .
